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Khutbat E Ahmadiyya In Urdu Pdf

Foreign Minister Khurram Dastgir stated in Parliament that if a country is suffering from terrorism, then it should first combat its own mentality of hatred against other nations. He mentioned that so many Muslim countries were affected by terrorism and pointed out that India was the only place where Muslims were not used to hurting others. This mentality of hatred against other nations must be subdued, he said. He said that the Indian government would provide all support that Pakistan needed to deal with this problem and that Pakistan also needed Indias help. The Indian President also indicated that in recent times, India had given such a large amount of aid to Pakistan that Pakistan could easily repay the amount. He also pointed out that Pakistan would be happy to continue trading with India. Khutbat E Ahmadiyya In Urdu Pdf Pakistans parliament has unanimously voted to proceed with the National Assemblys resolution to ban both of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Communitys two religious schools in the country. The National Assembly passed the motion through its standing committees on education and religious affairs. The motion, against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, was moved in the Senate a few months ago.

Khutbat E Ahmadiyya In Urdu Pdf

At the end of a long career, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) revealed the book, Makhzan-e-Tasaweer was complete. To this day, the entire volume is an integral part of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. That is why, in this year too, the text was completed and has been compiled to form the final version of Makhzan-e-Tasaweer.

Further on, this compilation consists of a preface in Urdu, some detailed chapters and an epilogue. Also, apart from the English version, a brief explanation of the basic texts is also presented in Persian.


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